Best Times for a Photo Session

Dreaming of portraits that stop people in their tracks? It all boils down to a photographer who’s a wizard with light. The best ones—think of them as modern-day painters—wield light like a brush, turning any scene into a masterpiece. Rain or shine, dawn or dusk, they’ve got the skills to make it work. But let’s be real: there are magical moments in the day when your photos can truly steal the show. Here’s a quick rundown of those golden times and what makes each one so downright special—get ready to be inspired!

Boho styled love story


This is the time of day when the sun starts to peak above the skyline in the morning or just before sunset. For many photographers, this is the ideal time of day, where you can not only capture the beautiful golden tones but also incorporate the sun's flare in your images. When captured correctly these images stand out for their breathtaking beauty.

  • incredible golden light that creates warmth and gold & reddish tones
  • perfect for intimate images
  • ideal for incorporating lens flare, sun flare, and even colorful silhouettes
  • because there is less contrast, shadows are less dark and highlights are less likely to be overexposed

Watching the sunrise over the Charles BridgeTHE SUNRISE OR SUNSET

That period when daytime turns to night or vice versa. Visually this is one of the most beautiful and creative periods to capture and create vivid & dramatic portraits.

  • ideal for atmospheric & dramatic images especially as the sky flares above
  • more creative and artistic photos can be created especially with the aid of flash
  • vivid & bright colors and contrasty light make this an ideal time
  • in the early morning, there are usually fewer people out allowing for more atmospheric imagery

Crucifix and Calvary bride & groom at sunriseTWILIGHT HOUR - BLUE HOUR

A short period when the day is ending and the night begins (or the reverse pre-dawn before sunrise).

  • magical, beautiful, romantic & incredible are how couples view their images captured during this period
  • with the softness of the light unflattering shadows and contrast are normally reduced
  • an ideal time for creating portraits with rich color palettes
  • in the am, there are usually few people out allowing for more atmospheric images at popular locations

Elegant Hong Kong couple atop Charles Bridge at night


  • the time of day when the atmosphere of the city feels most alive and fun
  • romantic images captured on gas lamp-lit streets have a timeless appeal
  • as the sky is usually black the subject becomes the center point of the image
  • a wonderful time for atmospheric & romantic portraits

Sexy California couple at Charles Bridge during Golden Hour


  • the most common and longest period of the day
  • typically uninspiring-looking imagery that anyone can capture
  • as the sun is high in the sky the drawbacks are harsh shadows, especially in the eyes and faces
  • photographers can work in harsh light to create unique images but most will prefer to work when the sun is at its highest point.
  • flash can be used to fill in the shadows or some photographers will use the flash to overpower the sun creating images that tend to look 'fake'. The image above was captured with the use of a flash to see their faces. Without flash, this image would have been almost a silhouette

  • What happens if it is cloudy? Cloudy days mean less contrast and a soft diffused look. As the light is very flat, this can be quite wonderful for portraits. However, it is not an ideal time for those panoramic or atmospheric images as the sky is 'washed out' or white. However, it does not mean that your images will look terrible some couples love this look.

    As for rain, it can bring out the best in creative imagery. Of course, having professional equipment is a big part of it such as the image below where a flash was put behind the couple to create this magical effect. If you were to use the flash on your camera and point towards you would have a completely different image.

    Unforgettable Castle Kiss in the Rain